Thursday, July 30, 2009

Camden Man!!!

I got some new pictures of my little nephew Camden today, so I thought I would share!!!

Crazy Face
He loves me the most (after his mommy & daddy)

Little hippie baby

Cant you tell he loves his aunt Lindsay!!!
We finally got our air fixed this afternoon!! YAY Thanks to my very handy man it only costs $12. Other than that I dont have much to say today!!
P.S. Keep little Stellan in your prayers!!! If you have never met his family you can check out his moms blog at

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A day of house projects and no air conditioning!!!

Today we were off of work and school, so we got some home improvement projects out of the way. My brother and I tiled out laundry room! It was much easier than I thought it was going to be!!! Then we replaced a pane of glass in our front door and put weather stripping on our windows. Our electric bill has been $250 dollars the last two months, so we are after anything to save some energy. While we were doing all of these projects I kept thinking it sure is hot in here!! I checked the air and it was 79 degrees in our house when the air was set on 77. I did not really think anything about it until I looked at it later and the temp was rising instead of falling!!! lol Harrison had left to run errands, so I told him to come home our air is broken!!! He came right home and found out the problem!!! YAY for my sweet handy finance!!!! He always amazes me at what he can fix!!! Harrison did electrocute himself though!!! Well it ends up we need a new capacitor for our A/C, which will be in tomorrow!!! That means no air conditioning for me tonight!!!! At least it didn't cost oodles of money to call a repair man!!!


P.S. as soon as I find the cord to my camera I am going to upload pictures of my house!!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

You can be crazy when you get to a certain age!!!

Today I took my 87 year old neighbor to the dentist to get a root canal. I have known "Mama Laura" for about 6 or so years. She is like my grandma, but a lot more out spoken and opinionated!!! So back to our trip to the dentist. It always takes her FOREVER to get ready to leave the house. It usually takes a few colorful words out of her mouth because she cant do what she used to, a puff or two of a lung medicine, and a lot of me reminding her that we are already twenty minutes late!! lol So, we finally get out the door and into the car. Of course I drive, but she ALWAYS has her certain way of getting to where we are going. She will say "this is the only way to get there to me honey." We get to the dentist office and the doctor next door is a plastic surgeon whose last name is Snotgrass. She saw that and said I would never let someone with THAT name operate on me!! When we get into the office they always make you fill out information sheets on every medical condition you have ever had and at 87 that is a lot. Mama Laura told me I dont fill that part out if they want to know if I have had something they can just ask me !!! I just smile and say ok. Then her dentist was pretty cute and looked to be about twelve so you know she has to question his age, years of practicing, and where he went to school, followed by a little bit of flirting. When we go to check out and the price of the root canal is $775 she asks the receptionist can I write a bad check. The lady looks at her kinda funny and says we will take whatever you have!!! lol Mama Laura smiles and says no im going to charge it, but I will never get out of debt. I just love mama Laura to death!! She says whatever comes to her head. I wish I could be more like that, but I think that privilege comes with age!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Cleaning up after a messy messy man

I have to stress my frustration today on how hard it is to keep a house clean with a fiance who has never had to clean up after himself!! lol Harrison's mom has always cleaned up after him since he was a little kid. She did everything for him from picking up his laundry to putting his dishes in the dishwasher. I love his mom, but this is such a horrible thing to do to your children. You have to teach them to clean up after themselves!!! I don't ask much of Harrison because most things I like done a certain way and I do not want to ask him to do something and then tell him how to do it. I would hate that if someone did that to me, so I would never do that to him. Saying that I do ask that he picks up his own laundry, hangs up his towel after a shower, and puts his dishes in the dishwasher!!! I have spent the last year nicely trying to train him to do these things. Since we have been in our new house it has really started to get to me when he does not do it. So, I tried telling him that I will pick up his stuff for him, but I would throw it away. I actually put things in a trash bag one time. I have still had no luck on getting him to do this on a regular basis. I need some suggestions on how to train him to pick things up!!! Overall he is such a great guy and I love him sooo much. He works on all of our cars and is soo handy!! If we could fix this problem he would be perfect!!! ( I still think he is perfect, but it sure would save me a lot of time if he would clean up after himself)


Thursday, July 16, 2009

My brother and what I have been up too!!!

My brother Mikie ran the Peachtree Roadrace on July 4th!!! He did such a great job!! He ran the 6.2 miles ( with 2 miles up hill) in 53 minutes!!! I think that is pretty impressive since this was his first race!!! I have been busy working. Mostly babysitting for some cute kids named Kaden and Kendell. You can check out their moms blog at When Im not babbysitting or waitressing I have been working on getting my new house put together!!! I want to upload some pictures of my bedroom I love it soo much!!! My last thing I want to tell everyone about is my cat. His name is Zeus and he is 14 years old. We found out last week that he has throat cancer!!! I made a blubbering idiot of myself in the vets office when I found out. We are just keeping him comfortable and fed soft food until it is his time to go!!! I love all of my animals very much, but he is our oldest cat. I just pray that he is not in any pain. Well I will hopefully post pictures soon of my new house!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Happy Fourth to everyone!!! I hope that all of you catch some great fireworks tomorrow! Wish my brother mikie luck!! He is running in the Peachtree Road Race tomorrow morning at 7:47. I know that he will do great, but it is his first race. I have been working alot, so I have not had alot of time to post. I am going to get back into the groove of posting everyday though. I know that I enjoy reading my favorite blogs everyday, so I need to post everyday!!! I have a prayer request for everyone to keep in mind. I read about a little girl named Kate on that has a brain tumor!! she is so little and beautiful!!! I cant imagine what her family is going through!!! I know that god can heal anyone!! He works miracles everyday!!! Well I am at work so I better go but have a fun and safe fourth!!!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

I joined Technorati

I joined Technorati to see how my blog ranks with other blogs all over the U.S.!!!
It is pretty neat I got the idea from If you would like to try it you can go to I will blog later on what I have been up to for the past few days!!!


P.S. I have to post this code to register my blog on Technorati